What do we mean by:
We want clients that value transformation in the right way.
Starting with them, that is.
Whenever teams or organizations embark on a transformational process, they want to arrive to new destinations.
As long as the leaders lead the same, it will only bring them in the same old places. Sometime easier, or cheaper, or faster, but to the same ending.
We want leaders that want to share a different way to success, one that everybody in the organization will want to engage with and work for to their best.
We know that every client of ours has a proud history of success.
Otherwise he wouldn’t be here at all. But more often than not, what created success years ago will not deliver it forward.
Clients and markets transform too fast and too frequent for the old success receipe to remain valid.
When we look at a transformation process we address alligment and engagement at each required level on values, meaning, structures, processes, motivation and output. The place we usually start with is the board.
We take no assumption for granted.
We question a lot and listen even more. Than look for consesus on the best possible solution.
Our consultancy is open and straightforward, precise and concise. It uses internationally validated instruments to measure and understand the status quo in the organization and than creates the most apropriate levers for transformation.
We participate in the process and assume responsibility for the results.
We believe more in values and responsibility than in rules and bureaucracy. Our greatest motivation is to see better people leading better organizations. Clarity of mind, of objectives and of systems are key ingredients. Understanding the causes of individual behavior is the way to transform the culture for performance of a team or a company.
The perceptions of the customers are rooted in the mindset of the employees. Our view on the transformation process strengthens this link and leverages its consistency. A great customer experience is very hard to achieve without a great employee experience. But the later does not necessarily leads to the first, unless it is designed to do so.
We look at the whole picture and search for the most relevant details. The aim is to connect what is said with what is done and with what is measured. Inside and outside the company. Alignment starts at the top and produces results both at the bottom and in the bottom line.
The interventions may be needed when some of these transformations occur: • New leadership; • Establishing a new vision for the company; • Adopting or adapting a new set of values; • Mergers and acquisitions; • Changes in strategy; • Repositioning, rebranding or restructuring; • Increasing the flexibility of the organization; • Whenever a need is rising for reaching the next level.
We are not smarter than our clients. We just have a different perspective, being already outside the box. We empathize with the people inside because we were there. We built our own companies, learned from mistakes, led them to success and sold them to multinational corporations. Than we run branches of those corporations. We walked the talk. Now, we are passionate about assisting leaders, teams and organizations to raise the level of understanding their people, their business and their markets. And thus, to create a new way forward.